NYS HOSA Board of Trustees Policies The Board of Trustees will create and maintain policies that are consistent with National HOSA, goals of the organization, and to ensure fair and equitable guidelines for all members.
Board of Trustees:
1. NYS HOSA follows the National Charter therefore -All HOSA Chapter in the NYS HOSA organization must be registered as a National Chapter.
2. The Board of Trustees shall meet at least three times each year with one meeting coincident with the Annual Student State Spring Leadership Conference. Special meetings, including conference calls and electronic contact may be called as deemed necessary by the State Advisor or Chairperson.
3. Minutes of the Board of Trustees will be distributed to all Board of Trustees members within 30 days of the meeting. Any chapter in good standing can submit a request for a copy of the minutes (excluding minutes from executive sessions) from the Board of Trustees Secretary; all such requests shall be received within 30 days.
NYS HOSA Local Chapters:
1. A chapter shall be considered “in good standing” in this Association when (a.) an official roster is filed with the National HOSA (b) affiliation fees have been submitted and received by National HOSA on or before January 1st of the current school year. (c.) all supplemental chapter affiliations are to be made to National HOSA on or before March 1st of the current school year, (d.) all activities, projects and meetings are in harmony with the ideals and purposes of the New York State Association of HOSA.
2. A chapter, region, the Student Executive Council, the State Advisor, or the Board of Trustees may propose amendments to the Bylaws or policies. Amendments to be acted upon at an annual or special meeting must be received by the State Advisor or designee at least ninety days prior. The proposal will then be forwarded to the Policy and Procedures Committee for review to determine any conflict with HOSA Bylaws and insure it is in harmony with the purposes of the Association. If approved by the Policy and Procedures Committee the notice of the amendment shall be sent to the State Advisor (or designee) and the Board of Trustees for approval. Upon approval by the Board of Trustees the amendment will be sent to the state officers and charted chapters at least thirty days prior to the annual meeting for approval by the house of delegates.
State Officers:
1. In order to serve/maintain as a State Office – The state officer must attend summer leadership training, miss no more than one designed meetings, and carry out those responsibilities delegated by the action of the Student Executive Council and Board of Trustees. The Student Executive Council shall meet at summer leadership training and least three more times each year, with one meeting coincident with the Annual Student State Spring Leadership Conference of the New York State Association of HOSA.
2. The Secretary (or designee) of the Student Executive council will provide a copy of the minutes from the House of Delegates at the Annual State Spring Leadership Conference to the Board of Trustees within 30 days. The new state officers attending summer leadership training will also be provided to a copy for review.
3. NYS HOSA will purchase the State Officers’ uniforms (with the exception of the Blouse/Shirt/Tie). When the term of officers expires the uniform will be given to the Local Chapter of that State Officer. If any time during their term the student is unable to fulfill their obligation (for any reason) as a state officer the uniform will be returned to the NYS Board of Trustees.
1. NYS State HOSA will hold two annual conferences: The Fall Leadership Workshop and the Annual Spring Conference.
2. Student, Alumni, and Advisor, and members of all local HOSA Chapters in good standing are eligible to attend the State HOSA Activities, Leadership Workshop/Spring Conference, participate in workshops, competitive events, special events, tours, general sessions, and business meetings. Parents and other non-member adults who serve as chaperons for, or as guests of, local HOSA chapters are welcome.
3. Anyone attending the State HOSA Activities, workshop/conference must be a registered guest at the Hotel where the State HOSA Activities, workshop/conference are being held. All students attending State HOSA Activities, workshop/conference must be accompanied by an appropriate advisor/ chaperone.
4. All students attending conferences must be transported to and from conferences by school authorized vehicles with appropriate chaperone / advisor. Any other transportation arrangement requires a written approval by the students’ school administrator.
Secondary Student Code of Conduct for HOSA Conferences:
· Conference delegates must spend nights at their assigned hotel and in assigned rooms. They must be quiet after curfew, which will be designated on the program.
· The hotel shall assign certain rooms for male and female students. Students will not be allowed in the rooms assigned to the opposite sex for any reason. There are sufficient lounge areas and meetings rooms to provide for necessary small group meetings.
· No alcoholic beverages, drugs, or narcotics, in any form, shall be possessed or used at any time, under any circumstances, unless prescribed medication. Any participant found to be using drugs or alcohol will have their Parents/Administrators called to take the student(s) home.
· Smoking is not permitted when attending meetings or any official sessions of the Conference, nor when in HOSA uniform.
· Any damage to property of the hotel will be charged to the individual HOSA member, or the HOSA Chapter responsible
· Students shall attend all General Sessions and Business Meeting Sessions, workshops, and others to which they have been assigned by Advisors. (Please show respect to all person including HOSA members, hotel staff and guests). Students shall keep their advisors informed of their whereabouts and activities at all times.
· All Conference attendees shall maintain a neat, clean, attractive appearance at all times and present a proud image for HOSA.
· Official HOSA uniform is appropriate for all general and special Conference sessions, and for Business meetings. This includes a tailored Navy jacket, HOSA emblem affixed over heart, white blouse or shirt, navy or white pants or skirt, white or dark shoes; maroon tie for males, maroon scarf optional for females, except State Officers. If not available, business attire is permissible. Jeans, shorts, sweats or exercising attire is not allowed.
Guidelines for Advisors and Chaperones
§ A copy of the Medical release form for each student must be signed by the appropriate persons and in your possession at the time of the conference.
§ A copy of the code of conduct for each student is to be signed by the student and parents, as appropriate, and in the advisor possession at the time of the conference.
§ Students must stay at the designated hotel, not with friends or relatives during the conference, and should not use their own cars or ride in cars belonging to other students. Students are not to leave Hotel premises during workshop/conference.
§ If you observe any students breaking the Code of Conduct while at the Conference, please try to correct the situation, or, if you cannot handle it, please call Hotel Security, AND NOTIFY THE STATE HOSA ADVISOR.
§ It is up to you to see that your members attend all HOSA sessions. You should know where your students are and what they are doing at all times.
§ It is your responsibility to see to it that advisor's and chaperone's names that are responsible for the student are accurately recorded at the HOSA Registration Desk.
§ Your students that they will be charged for any and all damage to their room, regardless of who does it. They are responsible for locking and protecting that room and all hotel property.
§ A mandatory Advisors Meeting will be held the first evening of the Conference.
State Spring Leadership Conference:
· Each chapter in good standing of this Association shall be entitled to send voting delegates from its active membership to the annual State Spring Leadership Conference in accordance with the procedures listed below.
· Each chapter shall be entitled to send one voting delegate for the first ten members on its active membership roster. One voting delegate for each additional group of ten members or greater part thereof will be allowed. At no time may any chapter have more than five voting delegates.
· Each chapter may select one non-voting alternate for each voting delegate to which it is entitled. The alternate shall be entitled to take the place of the delegate in the event the delegate cannot serve or is absent.
· Each voting delegate shall have one vote and must be present and seated in the area designated by the presiding officer in order to vote. Non-voting members shall have the privilege of taking part in discussion only.
· Each Chapter is required to provide at least two members to serve as Courtesy Corp members.
Competitive Events:
The New York State HOSA Board of Trustees established the following rules governing Competitive Events:
· National Guidelines are followed for all competitive. Modifications maybe made at the discretion of the Competitive Events Coordinator to meet state needs.
· Any member, school, or chapter may submit a written request to run a particular competition to the Competitive Events Coordinator. The Competitive Events Coordinator will form a committee of at least Three Board members to review the request and determine if it should be submitted to the Board of Trustee for approval. All requests must be submitted in writing prior to the Fall Leadership Workshop of the current school year to be considered for the State Spring Leadership Conference
· Competitive Events Entries - To compete, any individual must be a member in good standing. The Competitive Events Chairperson will verify eligibility.
· The Competitive Events Coordinator will set the Deadlines for competition registration.
· There must be a minimum of two schools and three registered contestants for a competition to be held; otherwise that competition will be cancelled.
· If only one of three registered contestants appears and completes the competition, that individual will be awarded 1st place.
· If two or three registered contestants appear and complete the competition, only two awards will be awarded (1st and 2nd places).
· If four or more registered contestants appear and complete the competition, all three awards will be awarded (1st, 2nd, and 3rd places).
· All competitors must report to their competitive site at the beginning of the competition to receive Orientation (information concerning holding rooms/appointment times etc). Failure to report to the orientation may result in the competitor being disqualified
· Only properly registered contestants will be eligible to receive awards.
Competitive Events Student Registration
· Each student may be registered for only one event from Categories I and II, one event from Categories III and IV and any events from Category V. However, winners will only be able to enter one event at the national level.
· Each Chapter may register two competitors or teams for secondary students and two for adult/postsecondary for each event in the categories. Register secondary students and adult/postsecondary students separately, and include on the registration form whether they are secondary or adult/postsecondary students.
· Only deletions and substitutions will be allowed after deadline-Students cannot be added to events after that deadline date.
· Chapters and/or students not registered with the Competitive Events Coordinator by the deadline date will not be allowed to compete.
· Post secondary competitors- In order to encourage participation of postsecondary student an exception will be made to the national/state policy of requiring two schools and three students to be entered for the competition to be held. If only one chapter had post secondary students they will be allowed to competed in the Exam Only competitions: Medical math, medical terminology, all knowledge exams. Under no circumstances will postsecondary students be allowed to compete in a secondary competition.
Board of Trustees:
1. NYS HOSA follows the National Charter therefore -All HOSA Chapter in the NYS HOSA organization must be registered as a National Chapter.
2. The Board of Trustees shall meet at least three times each year with one meeting coincident with the Annual Student State Spring Leadership Conference. Special meetings, including conference calls and electronic contact may be called as deemed necessary by the State Advisor or Chairperson.
3. Minutes of the Board of Trustees will be distributed to all Board of Trustees members within 30 days of the meeting. Any chapter in good standing can submit a request for a copy of the minutes (excluding minutes from executive sessions) from the Board of Trustees Secretary; all such requests shall be received within 30 days.
NYS HOSA Local Chapters:
1. A chapter shall be considered “in good standing” in this Association when (a.) an official roster is filed with the National HOSA (b) affiliation fees have been submitted and received by National HOSA on or before January 1st of the current school year. (c.) all supplemental chapter affiliations are to be made to National HOSA on or before March 1st of the current school year, (d.) all activities, projects and meetings are in harmony with the ideals and purposes of the New York State Association of HOSA.
2. A chapter, region, the Student Executive Council, the State Advisor, or the Board of Trustees may propose amendments to the Bylaws or policies. Amendments to be acted upon at an annual or special meeting must be received by the State Advisor or designee at least ninety days prior. The proposal will then be forwarded to the Policy and Procedures Committee for review to determine any conflict with HOSA Bylaws and insure it is in harmony with the purposes of the Association. If approved by the Policy and Procedures Committee the notice of the amendment shall be sent to the State Advisor (or designee) and the Board of Trustees for approval. Upon approval by the Board of Trustees the amendment will be sent to the state officers and charted chapters at least thirty days prior to the annual meeting for approval by the house of delegates.
State Officers:
1. In order to serve/maintain as a State Office – The state officer must attend summer leadership training, miss no more than one designed meetings, and carry out those responsibilities delegated by the action of the Student Executive Council and Board of Trustees. The Student Executive Council shall meet at summer leadership training and least three more times each year, with one meeting coincident with the Annual Student State Spring Leadership Conference of the New York State Association of HOSA.
2. The Secretary (or designee) of the Student Executive council will provide a copy of the minutes from the House of Delegates at the Annual State Spring Leadership Conference to the Board of Trustees within 30 days. The new state officers attending summer leadership training will also be provided to a copy for review.
3. NYS HOSA will purchase the State Officers’ uniforms (with the exception of the Blouse/Shirt/Tie). When the term of officers expires the uniform will be given to the Local Chapter of that State Officer. If any time during their term the student is unable to fulfill their obligation (for any reason) as a state officer the uniform will be returned to the NYS Board of Trustees.
1. NYS State HOSA will hold two annual conferences: The Fall Leadership Workshop and the Annual Spring Conference.
2. Student, Alumni, and Advisor, and members of all local HOSA Chapters in good standing are eligible to attend the State HOSA Activities, Leadership Workshop/Spring Conference, participate in workshops, competitive events, special events, tours, general sessions, and business meetings. Parents and other non-member adults who serve as chaperons for, or as guests of, local HOSA chapters are welcome.
3. Anyone attending the State HOSA Activities, workshop/conference must be a registered guest at the Hotel where the State HOSA Activities, workshop/conference are being held. All students attending State HOSA Activities, workshop/conference must be accompanied by an appropriate advisor/ chaperone.
4. All students attending conferences must be transported to and from conferences by school authorized vehicles with appropriate chaperone / advisor. Any other transportation arrangement requires a written approval by the students’ school administrator.
Secondary Student Code of Conduct for HOSA Conferences:
· Conference delegates must spend nights at their assigned hotel and in assigned rooms. They must be quiet after curfew, which will be designated on the program.
· The hotel shall assign certain rooms for male and female students. Students will not be allowed in the rooms assigned to the opposite sex for any reason. There are sufficient lounge areas and meetings rooms to provide for necessary small group meetings.
· No alcoholic beverages, drugs, or narcotics, in any form, shall be possessed or used at any time, under any circumstances, unless prescribed medication. Any participant found to be using drugs or alcohol will have their Parents/Administrators called to take the student(s) home.
· Smoking is not permitted when attending meetings or any official sessions of the Conference, nor when in HOSA uniform.
· Any damage to property of the hotel will be charged to the individual HOSA member, or the HOSA Chapter responsible
· Students shall attend all General Sessions and Business Meeting Sessions, workshops, and others to which they have been assigned by Advisors. (Please show respect to all person including HOSA members, hotel staff and guests). Students shall keep their advisors informed of their whereabouts and activities at all times.
· All Conference attendees shall maintain a neat, clean, attractive appearance at all times and present a proud image for HOSA.
· Official HOSA uniform is appropriate for all general and special Conference sessions, and for Business meetings. This includes a tailored Navy jacket, HOSA emblem affixed over heart, white blouse or shirt, navy or white pants or skirt, white or dark shoes; maroon tie for males, maroon scarf optional for females, except State Officers. If not available, business attire is permissible. Jeans, shorts, sweats or exercising attire is not allowed.
Guidelines for Advisors and Chaperones
§ A copy of the Medical release form for each student must be signed by the appropriate persons and in your possession at the time of the conference.
§ A copy of the code of conduct for each student is to be signed by the student and parents, as appropriate, and in the advisor possession at the time of the conference.
§ Students must stay at the designated hotel, not with friends or relatives during the conference, and should not use their own cars or ride in cars belonging to other students. Students are not to leave Hotel premises during workshop/conference.
§ If you observe any students breaking the Code of Conduct while at the Conference, please try to correct the situation, or, if you cannot handle it, please call Hotel Security, AND NOTIFY THE STATE HOSA ADVISOR.
§ It is up to you to see that your members attend all HOSA sessions. You should know where your students are and what they are doing at all times.
§ It is your responsibility to see to it that advisor's and chaperone's names that are responsible for the student are accurately recorded at the HOSA Registration Desk.
§ Your students that they will be charged for any and all damage to their room, regardless of who does it. They are responsible for locking and protecting that room and all hotel property.
§ A mandatory Advisors Meeting will be held the first evening of the Conference.
State Spring Leadership Conference:
· Each chapter in good standing of this Association shall be entitled to send voting delegates from its active membership to the annual State Spring Leadership Conference in accordance with the procedures listed below.
· Each chapter shall be entitled to send one voting delegate for the first ten members on its active membership roster. One voting delegate for each additional group of ten members or greater part thereof will be allowed. At no time may any chapter have more than five voting delegates.
· Each chapter may select one non-voting alternate for each voting delegate to which it is entitled. The alternate shall be entitled to take the place of the delegate in the event the delegate cannot serve or is absent.
· Each voting delegate shall have one vote and must be present and seated in the area designated by the presiding officer in order to vote. Non-voting members shall have the privilege of taking part in discussion only.
· Each Chapter is required to provide at least two members to serve as Courtesy Corp members.
Competitive Events:
The New York State HOSA Board of Trustees established the following rules governing Competitive Events:
· National Guidelines are followed for all competitive. Modifications maybe made at the discretion of the Competitive Events Coordinator to meet state needs.
· Any member, school, or chapter may submit a written request to run a particular competition to the Competitive Events Coordinator. The Competitive Events Coordinator will form a committee of at least Three Board members to review the request and determine if it should be submitted to the Board of Trustee for approval. All requests must be submitted in writing prior to the Fall Leadership Workshop of the current school year to be considered for the State Spring Leadership Conference
· Competitive Events Entries - To compete, any individual must be a member in good standing. The Competitive Events Chairperson will verify eligibility.
· The Competitive Events Coordinator will set the Deadlines for competition registration.
· There must be a minimum of two schools and three registered contestants for a competition to be held; otherwise that competition will be cancelled.
· If only one of three registered contestants appears and completes the competition, that individual will be awarded 1st place.
· If two or three registered contestants appear and complete the competition, only two awards will be awarded (1st and 2nd places).
· If four or more registered contestants appear and complete the competition, all three awards will be awarded (1st, 2nd, and 3rd places).
· All competitors must report to their competitive site at the beginning of the competition to receive Orientation (information concerning holding rooms/appointment times etc). Failure to report to the orientation may result in the competitor being disqualified
· Only properly registered contestants will be eligible to receive awards.
Competitive Events Student Registration
· Each student may be registered for only one event from Categories I and II, one event from Categories III and IV and any events from Category V. However, winners will only be able to enter one event at the national level.
· Each Chapter may register two competitors or teams for secondary students and two for adult/postsecondary for each event in the categories. Register secondary students and adult/postsecondary students separately, and include on the registration form whether they are secondary or adult/postsecondary students.
· Only deletions and substitutions will be allowed after deadline-Students cannot be added to events after that deadline date.
· Chapters and/or students not registered with the Competitive Events Coordinator by the deadline date will not be allowed to compete.
· Post secondary competitors- In order to encourage participation of postsecondary student an exception will be made to the national/state policy of requiring two schools and three students to be entered for the competition to be held. If only one chapter had post secondary students they will be allowed to competed in the Exam Only competitions: Medical math, medical terminology, all knowledge exams. Under no circumstances will postsecondary students be allowed to compete in a secondary competition.